A Note
The husband and I had some issues yesterday. One of them was about me blogging about him. Men in general are proud creatures and don't take well to public criticism. Whereas my mindset was: it's true (at the time), I need to vent, and I don't care who knows cuz we'll get over it and he has more than enough good points anyway.
So I'll just make one more comment about it: whatever negative things I said about him, I am far far worse than him in all those ways and more. And I'm not half-bad, so it says a lot about him.
he can't take the heat, so you feel it necessary to say you're worse than him in all ways?!!? that's nuts. besides, it was barely heat - more like warm. he needs to chill out. besides, the tree thing was lol funny.
thanx for the defense, but i didn't mean he was better than me in ALL ways, just the stuff i mentioned in the previous post. i'm better than him at a lot of stuff, like packing, playing the piano, and the important but often overlooked skill of blogging.
he didn't care about the tree thing. mostly it was me calling him a wuss. it has to do with respect, something men are really big on, and you should remember that now that you're married! they're a strange but necessary species.
but he is a wuss.
some sister-in-law you are.
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